Monday, February 11, 2013

2012: The Year It Didn't Happen

As we enter the new-year, it may be worthwhile to reflect on 2012.  Please see the article below written by Weston Wellington, Vice President with Dimensional Fund Advisors, entitled “2012:  The Year It Didn’t Happen.”  The article reminds us that, as is so often the case, earning the rewards offered by the world’s capital markets requires a combination of discipline and detachment from the ominous headlines that we are bombarded with daily.  I hope that you find the article worthwhile.  

We at Portfolio Advisors wish you the very best that 2013 can offer, and we remain here to serve you.   

Warm Regards
The Portfolio Advisors Team 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Important Year-End Information

If you have not already received your 1099 Composite and Year-End Summary for your respective accounts for 2012, it should arrive from Charles Schwab no later than the end of February.  Should you have any questions regarding your Portfolio Report or your 1099 statement, please do not hesitate to call us. We also request that once you have completed your 2012 tax return that you provide us with a copy so that we may better advise you.

Warm Regards, 
The Portfolio Advisors Team